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The Model 620A does not turn on.  No front panel display.

The output SSR’s and Relays do not turn on.  The AC power is OK and the display is working.

One or more of the outputs are not functioning.

How do I connect a voltage or current input to a Model 600/620 or 600A/620A (Using a M355 board)?

How to tell what the M355 board is configured for.

What are Manual Setpoints and how are they entered?

I push the “RUN” button, but the program will not run.

My Program runs, but the setpoint does not change.

My control channel reads P.OP or a very low or high value.  How do I check it?

I can't get anything to work or make changes from the keypad of the controller.

I can't get the RS-232 communications to work with the ToolBOX software.

What is the difference between an EOP and a LOOP step?

I’m using an A2192 Chamber Enhancer Board.  Are there any mandatory settings?

I have an Error message.  What does it mean and what action should I take?

How do I replace the Battery in Models 600(A) and 620(A)?

What are the 600(A)/620(A) factory default settings after a "Cold Start"?

How can I tell which version of A2192 Chamber Enhancer I have?

I have a JC Systems model 520 and I would like to replace it with a model 620A controller.  What should I be considering for this retrofit?

Why can't I download JC Systems PDF's?

How do I gain access to the circuit boards inside my 620A controller?

If you have a question that you would like answered here, please let us know.  The questions most asked will be added.

The Model 620A does not turn on.  No front panel display.

Power requirements:  117 VAC +/-10%; 25W

1 – Check the AC input voltage on TB5 of the A2216 Rear Interconnect PCB.

TB5-1  AC HI,  -2  AC LO & -3 Frame ground.

2 - Check the Fuse (2 amp, 250V) located to the left of TB5.

If the fuse is good and TB5 has the appropriate 115 VAC contact TMC Services for repair options.

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The output SSR’s and Relays do not turn on.  The AC power is OK and the display is working.

1 - Check the external unregulated +9 VDC supplied by the Model 620A.

Connect a DC multimeter across A2225 TB1 – 1 (+) and 2 (-).  The meter should read between +9 & + 11 VDC.

No voltage across TB1?

Check the ribbon cable from the A2216 board P204 to the A2225 Board P4.  The ribbon cable provides the +9 volts and the information to the output drivers for the 24 digital outputs.

Check the 1 amp Pico fuse (Littlefuse Part Number 251001) located on the upper right hand corner of the A2225 PCB.

With the negative meter lead on TB1-2 place the positive meter lead on the right hand lead of the fuse.  If +9 VDC – 11 VDC is present, the fuse is bad.  Replace the fuse.


DO NOT solder the fuse onto the board.  The axial leads of the fuse slip into the socket connectors mounted on the board.  Just cut the leads to the correct length and plug in the fuse.

If the voltage is not present or the fuse continues to blow contact TMC Services for repair options.

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One or more of the outputs are not functioning, others are.

Is an A2192 Chamber Enhancer or A2320 SSR board installed?

Observe the LED on the board corresponding to the output.  If the LED is turning on and off check the 4 amp pico fuse.  Each output has a 4 amp fuse. If the fuse is good check the SSR.  Check the ribbon cable connection between the 620A and 2320 board.  Check the A2192 to 620A wiring. 

If some of the outputs are functional and others are not, there is a possibility the output driver line or IC has been damaged.  See the procedure below for instructions on how to check the digital outputs.

A2216 Rear Interconnect PCB.  See Chapter 7, page 2-A in the 620A manual for details.

A2225 Output Interface Board

Serial output information and the +9 VDC are provided to the A2225 board on P4.

The 5 VDC regulator provides Vcc for the IC's.

U5 is the serial decoder IC.  U4  is the photo-isolator IC.  The output information is decoded, photo-isolated and distributed to U1 & J03, U2 & J02, and U3 & J01.

Measure +9 VDC:  TB1 pins 1 (+) and 2 (-).

This is an unregulated DC voltage and may read between 9 and 11 VDC.  If the voltage is not there, check the 1 amp fuse.

TB1 Outputs:  All outputs are open collector logic limited to 50 mA and 50 VDC.

Connect the Positive meter lead to TB1-1 and the Negative lead to the output pin.  When the Output is turned "ON" the meter will read between 9 - 11 VDC.  When the output is turned "OFF" the meter will read approximately zero.


ALWAYS determine if an external problem caused the failure prior to changing a driver chip.

U1, U2, & U3 each drive 8 of the 24 outputs shown above.  The devices are socketed and are easily replaced.  Always remove power to the unit prior to removing and replacing any components on this board.  If the output is inoperative, always "on" or if multiple outputs operate at the same time, the driver is damaged.

An unused driver may be used as a substitute for a defective one until a replacement is obtained.

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How do I connect a voltage or current input to a Model 600/620 or 600A/620A?

Model 600/620:

The voltage or current output of an electronic sensor to the input of the instrument must be reduced to a voltage level the unit will accept.  In the older model (non “A”) instruments this was accomplished in two ways.

1 - The resistor network was installed on a small PC board mounted on the internal Analog PCB.  The voltage input is applied directly to the Model 600/620 input terminal strip.

2 - The controller input was internally configured for a TC input and an external resistor network PCB (M355) is installed to produce the desired input voltage.

The voltage input is applied to the input TB of the M355.  The output of the M355 is connected to the Model 600/620 as shown below.

M355 Input Board.  Click for higher resolution graphic.


Do Not install a M355 board if the instrument has an internal resistor network installed.


An instrument with a RTD input on either channel has a dedicated RTD 2200 PCB mounted on the internally installed Analog input board. 

Linear inputs “CAN NOT” be connected to a dedicated RTD channel.

The non-RTD channel may be internally configured for a dedicated linear input value or as a thermocouple input in which case a M355 board needs to be installed as described above.

RTD and Linear Inputs

MODEL 600A/620A:

The “A” version of the Models 600A & 620A have a modification to the Rear Interconnect PBC (A2216 E) that eliminates the need for an internal resistor network or use of the M355 PCB.

The table below shows the J1 (CH1) and J2 (CH2) jumper assignments for the available voltage or current inputs.  The voltage or current are applied directly to the TB1 Input as shown.

600A / 620A Input Jumper Selections

600A / 620A RTD


The proper input type for each control channel must be selected in the controller configuration on any model.  The selected type must match the physical input type used.

Thermocouples:          TYPE_X_TC.   “X” represents the appropriate TC type in use.

RTD’s:                         RTD

Voltage:                       LINEAR_MV

Current:                       LINEAR_MA


Deg. C or F - Switching between C (Celsius) and F (Fahrenheit) automatically adjusts all displays and calculations in the model 620A.  SP, PV, controller Span, PID Pband, alarms and Limits.

RH/WB - Used on CH2 only, TC/TC or RTD/RTD.  Changing CH2 to RH/WB introduces the algorithm for converting CH1 dry bulb temp and CH2 Wet Bulb temp to direct % RH.

All PV and SP values of CH2 will read in direct % RH.

NOTE:  Calibrating a unit for RH/WB.  Change CH2 from RH/WB to deg C or F.

Calibrate both channels for temperature.  After calibration return CH2 to RH/WB.

The RH conversion will be automatic.

DO NOT attempt to calibrate CH2 in the RH/WB selection.

Linear - Used for appropriate linear voltage or current analog input device such as a RH sensor that produces a 4-20mA output representing a linear 0-100%.  Used with input types Linear MV or Linear MA.  The correct input jumper selection must be made on the A2216 PCB.

RH_VISALA - Used on CH2 only and exclusively for the Visalia HMM30C non compensated Humidity sensor.  The temp conversion algorithm is built into the Model 620A and goes into effect when this selection is made.

NOTE:  To calibrate CH2 for this sensor.  Change the CH2 Units from RH_VISALA to LINEAR.  Calibrate CH  for 0 – 5vdc to represent 0 – 100.  When calibration is complete return CH2 Type to RH_VISALA. 

FT_PSIA15 (15PSIA) Altitude - Follow the simple calibration procedure in the manual to calibrate for the Omega PX41T0-15AI pressure sensor.  Usable range 0 - 100Kft.  Controller SP and PV are displayed in K feet at 100 foot increments.

FT_PSIA20 (20PSIA) Altitude - Follow the simple calibration procedure in the manual to calibrate for the Omega PX41T0-20AI pressure sensor.  Usable range -10K - 100Kft.  Controller SP and PV are displayed in K feet at 100 foot increments.

INPUT – Type

Thermocouples – T, J, K, R, S, E, B

RTD -                 100 OHM platinum, a-0.00385

LINEAR_MV - For voltage inputs.  Position jumpers on A2216 PCB for 1v, 10v or 5v inputs.

LINEAR_MA - For 4-20mA current inputs.  Position jumpers on A2216 PCB for 4-20mA in.

SPAN-SETPOINT LIMITS - This setting effects three functions of the Model 620A.

It determines the setpoint span (The minimum and maximum setpoint values) that can be entered without creating a RANGE condition and shutting down the controller.

It is the constant used to determine the controllers Pband.  PB = Span/Pgain.

If the span is changed the Pband must be returned to its original value.

It determines the range of the analog outputs for use with the SP or PV retransmit.

If the span is -50 to 150 then 4mA= -50 and 20mA = 100.

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What are Manual Setpoints and how are they entered?

Manual Setpoints are direct setpoint entries.  When a manual setpoint is entered the controller immediately sends the process to the selected setpoint value.  There is no time (ramp) associated with manual setpoints.

IMPORTANT – When a control channel is selected for Manual Mode the decimal point in the Setpoint Display field for that channel is changed to the letter “m” indicating that the channel is in Manual.  A manual mode setpoint overrides programmed setpoints.  To run a program and use programmed setpoints the channel “must” be changed from Manual back to Programmer Mode.

The control channels can be assigned to the manual mode based on the 620A/600A’s configuration.

620A or 600A:

Single Channel – Only CH1 is available and can be selected for Manual Mode operation.

Two Channel – Either one or both channels can be selected for Manual Mode operation.

620A Only:  FastTRAC – Only CH1 can be selected for Manual Mode.  In this configuration CH2 receives its setpoint internally from CH1.

To configure a channel for manual setpoint control select item 5 from the Main Menu.

The available channels can be toggled between Manual and Programmer modes by pushing the “SEL” button when the cursor is flashing on the desired channel (lines 3 or 4).

The control channel displays dashes and the letter “m” for a decimal point.

Move the cursor to the setpoint field enter the desired value and push the “Enter” button. 

Use the arrow keys to move between channels or event fields.

Manual Model Event Control.

The 16 event outputs (1 – 8 & A – H) can be independently controlled or toggled on/off in the manual mode.

NOTE:  In the two channel mode both CH1 & CH2 must be in manual to allow manual event control.

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I push the “RUN” button but the program will not run.

1:  Is the 620A is in the “RMT_STP” mode?

On the bottom line of the display it must read “LCL” for front panel button control.

Go to the Programmer Configuration selection and change the mode from “EXT COMPUTER” (RMT) to “FRONT PANEL,” (LCL) or make the change from the computer if the selection is available.

2:  Is the “PROGRAMMER SYNC” enabled?

From the “CONFIG PROGRAMMER” selection, page down six times.  If the display indicated the Sync is Enabled.  Push the SEL button to select Disabled.  Push Reset and try Run again.

3:  Is there a flashing “S1 or S2” in the ALM: field on the front panel?

If the S1 or S2 is flashing the offending channel will also be displaying either P.OP or RANGE in the PV field on the front panel display.

P.OP - indicates a probe open condition.  Either the thermocouple or RTD input is open or the current or voltage input is out of the usable range. 

Correct the open probe condition and the control channel will immediately read the current PV value.

If the P.OP condition can not be corrected the Analog input board of the instrument may be damaged.

Contact TMC Services for repair services.

RANGE - indicates that programmed or manual setpoint entered is outside of the Span-Setpoint Limits range configured for the control channel.

If the setpoint appears to be within the desired usable range check the controllers Span-Setpoint limits.  They may have been changed and not restored.  The limits determine the Max and Min setpoints that can be entered.  They also determine the total span of the controller.  A Max of 200 and Min of -100 establish a span of 300.

Manual Mode: From the Manual Mode screen enter a new setpoint within acceptable limits.  The controller will immediately resume operation.

Programmer Mode:

1 - Check the programmed setpoint.  It must be within the usable span of the controller

2 – When starting a program, or changing and starting on a new step, a corrupt setpoint can be generated.  When this occurs the setpoint must be corrected to “wake up” the controller.  Select the manual mode and enter a setpoint as mentioned above.  Be sure to place the control channel back into programmer mode and try running the program.

3 - If the span was incorrectly set and is adjusted to correct values the control channel will correct itself and resume operations.

4:  Is there a flashing “L1 or L2” in the ALM: field on the front panel?

The L1 (CH1) and L2 (CH2) are DEV (deviation) alarm indicators.  The DEV value can be entered by the operator in the Manual Mode or in the Edit mode on each step of the program.

There is a “Common DEV Alarm” output on TB1 of the A2225 Output Interface PCB.  This output goes Active whenever the L1 or L2 ALM: display is flashing.

Each channels DEV alarm can be configured for 4 different modes in the Programmer Configuration.

In any mode, the L1 or L2 will display on the front panel and the output pin will be active if the DEV condition exists.

The available modes for each channel are:

1 – During DEV the programmer Runs or Stops.

2 – Alarm Output Resets Automatically or Manually.

Run – Automatic Reset:  If a DEV condition exists.  The programmer will continue to run the program.  The L1 or L2 will flash in the ALM field and the output will be active. 

When the DEV error is corrected the output de-activates and the L1 or L2 display goes blank.

Run – Manual Reset:  If a DEV condition exists.  The programmer will continue to run the program.  The L1 or L2 will flash in the ALM field and the output will be active. 

When the DEV error is corrected the 620A will continue to run with the output active and L1 or L2 flashing in the ALM field. 

If the DEV condition no longer exists the Run button must be pushed to acknowledge the DEV alarm was active.  The output will de-activate and the L1 or L2 display goes blank.

Stop – Automatic Reset:  If a DEV condition exists.  The programmer will stop (freeze/hold).  The clock stops and the setpoints are latched at the current values.  The L1 or L2 will flash in the ALM field and the output will be active. 

When the DEV error is corrected the output de-activates, the L1 or L2 display goes blank, and the programmer automatically resumes operation from the point it was stopped. 

Stop – Manual Reset:  If a DEV condition exists.  The programmer will stop (freeze/hold).  The clock stops and the setpoints are latched at the current values.  The L1 or L2 will flash in the ALM field and the output will be active. 

If the DEV condition no longer exists the Run button must be pushed to acknowledge the DEV alarm was active.  When the DEV error is corrected, and the run button is pushed the output de-activates, the L1 or L2 display goes blank, and the programmer resumes operation from the point it was stopped. 

Note: The error must be within the DEV limits for the program to resume when the run button is pushed.  Otherwise the program will remain stopped.

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My Program runs but the setpoint does not change.

Look at the setpoint field on the front panel.  If the decimal point is the letter “m” then that channel is in the manual setpoint mode.  Manual setpoints override programmed setpoints in a program.

Select “Manual” from the main menu and change the channel from Manual to Programmer.  The “m” will go away and the decimal point will return indicating the controller channel is now in programmer mode.

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My control channel reads P.OP or a very low or high value.  How do I check it?

A simple check can be made to verify that the analog board input is functional. This check can not be used for RTD inputs.

Thermocouple or Linear input types:

Go to the Controller configuration and select Degrees C for the Units and Type_T_TC for the Input.

Remove the sensor wires from the input terminal block. 

Using a jumper (a piece of wire or paper clip works nicely) short the thermocouple input pins probe 1 (or 2) plus and minus.

The control channel should read the temperature of the Cold Junction Device, approximately 25 to 40 deg C and be stable.  If not, contact TMC Services for repair options.

If it is good a calibration may be necessary.  Configure the channel for its correct units and input type and perform a calibration.


Disconnect the three wires from the RTD to the input terminal strip.

Connect a 100 ohm resistor across the Probe 1 plus and minus input pins.  Connect a jumper across the ISO GND and negative input pins.

The controller should read 0.0.

If the reading is off a calibration may be necessary.

If the controller still reads P.OP contact TMC services for repair options.

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I can't get anything to work or make changes from the keypad of the controller.

Is the unit in “RMT_STP” mode?

Push the “RESET” button on the controller.  If the Bottom line says “RMT” it’s in the remote mode and will only take commands from a computer.

If the display reads “RMT_STP.”   Push RESET, PAGE DOWN,   4, 1.   Use the arrow keys to position the cursor over the “EXT_COMPUTER” display.  Push the “SEL” key until the display reads “FRONT PANEL...”

Push the “RESET” button.  The bottom line should read “LCL_STP.”  You now have front panel control.

Is the unit in “RMT_RUN” mode?  If so, follow the procedure below.

If the unit is interfaced with a computer issue a command to return it to the “LCL” Local front panel mode.

If the unit is not connected to a computer or if the communications have been disrupted and can not be reestablished proceed as follows.   Refer to the diagram below for the A2216, TB6 and pin outs. This drawing is also in the 600(A) / 620 (A) Manual Chapter 7 page 2A (Available Here).

A2216 Rear Interconnect PCB.  See Chapter 7, page 2-A in the 620A manual for details. 

Connect a momentary switch across TB6 pins 4 (Input2, Stop) and 7 (O v).  You may want to leave the switch connected for future use.

Pushing the switch will put the unit into the “RMT_STP” mode.

Use the procedure above to regain access to the LCL (Front Panel) mode of operation.

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I can't get the RS-232 communications to work with the ToolBOX software.

The ToolBOX software is designed to also access addressable units with the RS 422 interface.

The ToolBOX software, even in the RS232 mode, is address sensitive.  The default address is 1.

The 620A address selection is made on the first page of the “Programmer Configuration” selection.

Using the “SEL” button change to 422.  Either change the 422 address to 1 or note the address and use it for the address selection on the ToolBox Software.

Don’t forget to change the selection back to 232 before exiting.

Make sure the Baud Rate and Parity match on both the ToolBox software and the 620A instrument.

Set the computer Comm port in use to flow control of “xon/xoff.”

The 620A ships with the RS232 connector wired for “null modem” operation.  See below and also in the 600(A) / 620 (A) Manual Chapter 7 page 2A (Available Here).

A2216 Rear Interconnect PCB.  See Chapter 7, page 2-A in the 620A manual for details. 

If the RS 232 cable is not null modem swap the orange and red wires on TB4.

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What is the difference between an EOP and a LOOP step?

The two steps are similar.

A LOOP step can repeat a user defined section of the program. When the loop counter reaches zero the programmer advances to the next step in the program.  Each loop can perform from 1 to 9999 loops.  Loops can be nested, or two loop steps can be programmed back to back with 9999 loops to repeat the same section of code 9999 x 9999 or 99,980,001 loops.

Every program “MUST” be terminated with an EOP step. 

An EOP step can repeat a user defined section of the program, including loops or nested loops, and will stop when the Cycle counter reaches zero.  Similar to a Loop step the user defines the step number of the program to cycle back to and the number of program cycles to execute, up to 9999.

When the EOP cycle counter reaches zero the program stops and latches the last CH1 & CH2 setpoint values and event ON/OFF status.


Care must be taken when changing the step number for the EOP or entering a new program with less steps than the existing program in memory.  Reference the information below for details.


If a program is entered into a program location that has an existing program, and the new program is shorter than the original one, the first EOP step will be treated as a LOOP step.

When entering a new program into a location that currently has a program in it, the following procedure must be taken.

ERASE THE EXISTING PROGRAM - This is the recommended procedure.

From the Edit screen move the cursor so it is flashing on the program (notstep) number, then push the DELSTEP button.  This will erase the existing program and the display will read "PROGRAM EMPTY, PUSH PAGE DOWN".

Pushing the PAGE DOWN button will insert the first step in the program location.  Enter the new program terminating it with an EOP step.

ENTER NEW PROGRAM INFORMATION- This can only be done if the new program has more steps than the existing program.  If it does not then the EOP step from the original program will still be present somewhere after the new EOP.  The first EOP step will be treated as a LOOP by the programmer when the program is run.  The second EOP step will be treated as the true EOP.  In this situation the program will cycle (loop) as many times as indicated by the first EOP, however it will be treated as a LOOP Step and continue running the programmed information following the first EOP to include cycling the entire program if the second EOP step is programmed for more than 1 cycle.


In the EDIT Mode pushing the page down button will advance through the program in sequential step order.  However if the first EOP step is reached and the PAGE DOWN is pressed the unit will return to step 1 of the program.  The first EOP is recognized as the end of the program.  This WILL NOT indicate if any additional steps are following the EOP. 

Determine the step for the first EOP in the program (i.e. step 10).  From the EDIT screen position move the cursor to the step number and push the clear button.  The unit will go to step 1.  With the cursor on the step number, enter the number of the step following the first EOP step (step11).

If this EOP step is the last step in the program, the display will flash between the messages "Invalid Entry" and the Ramp\Soak Program screen. 

Push the RESET Button twice to return the unit to the STOP screen.  This EOP is the last step.

If the programmer indicates additional programmed steps following this EOP, this information must be deleted.  Push the DEL STEP button for each additional programmed step. 

Be careful not to delete the EOP step itself.  Each time the DEL STEP button is pushed it deletes the current step and pulls the following ones forward.  When the correct EOP step is displayed all information that followed it is now deleted.

Check the program for additional steps after the EOP (Just to make sure).

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I’m using an A2192 Chamber Enhancer Board.  Are there any mandatory settings?

It is imperative that the Inc & Dec Cycle time of the 620A control channel and the A2192 board Cycle time dip switch settings match.  If they do not then the information interpreted by the A2192 will be incorrect and result in incorrect output functions.

See the A2192 manual for Heat & Cool Dip switch definitions and settings.

Note:  The Model 620A is connected to the A2192 board by 4 wires.  The wires from the 620A are not pin for pin compatible with the input pins of the A192.

620A ,TB1 Pin   to    A2191, TB1 Pin

1                                                                                1                    +9vdc

2                                                                                4                    Gnd

3                                                                                2                    Inc

4                                                                                3                    Dec

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I have an Error message.  What does it mean and what action should I take?

P.OP on CH1 or CH2 PV:

A P.OP (open probe) condition is displayed on the control channel PV display.  This message indicates an open input sensor or problem with the input section of the analog PCB.  

Click here for control channel "P.OP" error troubleshooting.

“Hardware Failure” or “Error” message:

The Model 620A/600A has several Error Messages that display to indicate internal problems in the instrument.  The messages may be displayed as “Hardware Failures” or “Errors”.

These messages do not necessarily indicate the item or area responsible for the error, but the area impacted by the problem.  In most cases they provide advanced warning that a problem has developed needing immediate corrective action or will need corrective action in the near future.  Some of the messages indicate that a problem exists that can be corrected and may not repeat itself.

Available Actions to resolve a problem:

In most cases two user actions are available.

ENT ignore:

If the Enter button is pushed the unit returns to its previous operating state.

Try pushing the Enter button. 

After the instrument resets, turn the power off for a minute or two then turn the power back on.

If the problem was related to scrambled or incorrect information from an external source it may be corrected and not reappear.  If the problem that created the error still exists the message may return.

If the message returns, this may be the same day or even several weeks, the unit will need an upgrade or repair.

Contact TMC Services for repair options.


If the procedure above does not correct the error a CLEAR erase should be tried next (procedure is below).


Make sure all programmer and controller configurations, PID settings and programs you need to keep are recorded by hand or saved using the JC Systems ToolBox software prior to using the CLEAR erase function.

CLEAR erase:

When the Clear button is pushed the unit performs a “Cold Start”.  (Note that all of your unique configuration settings will be lost when doing a cold start.  Reference the information above and another FAQ.)

All locations in memory and the EEPROM are erased and factory default parameters are            installed.

A cold start will perform the following action.  All programs in memory are erased and the program memory will have 200 blank program steps.  The programmer and controller configurations will be set to factory default conditions:  CH1 & CH2 for Type T Input and factory default PID tuning parameters installed.  The stored CH1 and CH2 controller calibration parameters are erased.

After the cold start sequence is completed all of the instruments parameters and programs mentioned above must be reinstalled either via the front panel or using the ToolBox software.  After the controller configurations are reset each controller channel must be calibrated.



Two items that require immediate corrective action are, EEPROM error, and CRAM error.


EEPROM error:  The EEPROM is defective or starting to go bad.  The ENT ignore procedure may correct this problem temporarily but it is certain to return.  With each occurrence it will return more frequently.

Contact TMC Services for repair options.


CRAM error:  The most common item that produces this error is the lithium battery.  It is

recommended to replace the battery every 5 years.  Reference the battery replacement instructions in another FAQ.

Once the battery has been replaced, the problem should go away.  If not, then the CRAM device must be replaced.  It may be a good idea to replace both components at the same time. 

Contact TMC Services for repair options.

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How do I replace the Battery in Models 600(A) and 620(A)?


DO NOT lay the CPU Board on a conductive surface.  The battery may short out!

Remove power from the unit.

Viewed from the rear of the unit.  The right side of the output Interface PC Board is mounted on hinged standoffs.  DO NOT remove the right side screws.  Remove the two screws on the left.  Swing aside the board on the rear of the unit to gain access to the Rear Interconnect PCB.

Remove the eight mounting screws securing the Rear Interconnect PCB to the unit frame.  Slide out the center (CPU) PC Board.

The Model 620(A)/600(A) has a 10 year lithium battery.  Check the battery first before replacing it.

Voltage Check:

Measure the battery using a DVM set on the DC volts setting.  If the meter reads between 2.7 and 3.6 VDC the battery is still good and does not need replacing.  If the meter reads below 2.7 VDC, replace the battery with a recommended replacement.  (Saft, Lithium 3.6V PN LS 14250 or equivalent.)

Current Check:

Locate jumper JP1 and remove it.  Set the meter to read current (micro amps).  Hook the meter up across the JP1 pins.  The current should be less than 2.5 micro Amps.


Locate jumper JP1 and remove it.  This will disconnect the battery circuit from the rest of the board and prevent damaging other components when soldering in the new battery.

On the component side of the board remove (scrape off) the silicon beads protecting the solder joints.

It is best to cut the leads and remove the old battery first.  Then carefully unsolder the leads making sure to not lift the pads on the board.  Make sure the feed-throughs are free of solder and the axial leads of the new battery can be installed.

Properly orient the new battery and solder it in place. It is recommended to place a silicon bead over the battery connections on the clad side of the board.

Replace jumper JP1 and reassemble the unit.

Replacement is complete.

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How to tell what the M355 board is configured for.

The M355 Linear Input Attenuator board can be configured for six different inputs depending on the resistor configuration on the board.  There are also two different versions of the board.  Reference the diagram below (Click for a higher resolution graphic) to determine which board(s) you have and how they are configured.

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What are the 600(A)/620(A) factory default settings after a "Cold Start"?

Note that the factory default settings and the settings after a "Cold Start", are the same.

The following screenshots were generated by the JC Systems ToolBOX Software.

The factory default for serial communications is RS-232.

Factory Default Configuration

PID Set 1

PID Set 2

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How can I tell which version of A2192 Chamber Enhancer I have?

You can identify whether the A2192 Chamber Enhancer is a standard version (CMTO), CHMTO, M384, or MIS017 by referencing EPROM U5.

The A2192 standard versions U5 EPROM firmware will be version MIS024 (-CMTO) and is used with JC Systems controllers.  (Contact TMC Services if you have a need for a different version)

The A2192-CHMTO version U5 EPROM will be version MIS025 (-CHMTO) and is used with JC Systems controllers. 

The A2192-M384 version U5 EPROM will "only" be firmware version MIS027 and is used exclusively with Micristar controllers More information is available on our Downloads page.

The A2192-MIS017 version U5 EPROM will "only" be firmware version MIS017 and is rarely used.  More information is available on our Downloads page.

Other than the EPROM's being different, the assemblies are identical.


A2192 version Identification

Click the image above for a larger view.

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I have a JC Systems model 520 and I would like to replace it with a model 620A controller.  What should I be considering for this retrofit?

In addition to your new 620A controller, we suggest a A2295-1 19" Rack Mounting Adaptor Plate.  If you have the A2192 Chamber Enhancer board as an accessory, this should work just fine with the new controller.  However, some of the other accessories boards may have to be replaced or removed.  Contact us for further details.

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Why can't I download JC Systems PDF's.

There are a number of reasons why you can have problems with downloading PDF files, the 620 manual in particular.  Before you do anything below, try downloading it by right clicking the link and then left clicking "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As".  A dialog box will come up where you can choose where to save it.  If this works then you have a problem with two programs handshaking in the process of downloading and opening the document. 

You should also test your download speed using a test utility from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) (An example is http://speedtest.charter.com.)  Normally the ping response time will be less than 200 mS, and the download speed will be over 1 Mbps.  If your ping time is higher, and your download speed is lower, you can run into timeout issues which will prevent the downloading of manuals, etc..  If this is the case, you should contact your IT department to find out why your performance isn't up to par. 

(Download performance issues are beyond the scope of this FAQ page and Support as they can be caused by poor wiring, hardware problems, malicious software on your computer (or other computers in your office), and many other items that your IT person can help you with.)

If this doesn't work, then use the following steps to allow your browser to download larger files.  The 620 manual is very large and as a result the default settings for your browser may not be set correctly to allow downloading larger files using the default settings. 

If using Internet Explorer, check your settings by clicking Tools on the Menu Bar and then choose Internet Options.  Click on the General Tab in the dialog box that opens and then click on the Settings button in the Browsing History area.  In the new dialog box that opens, select the radio button "Every time I visit the webpage" in the Temporary Internet Files area.  Also change the disk space to use  the maximum (currently allowed) of 1024 MB instead of the standard 50 MB.  In the History area, change the "Days to keep pages in history:" to some value higher than zero.  Click on OK, Apply and OK to close the dialog boxes and restart your browser to make sure the settings are applied. 

If using Firefox, check your settings by clicking Tools on the Menu Bar and then choose Options.  Click on the Privacy Tab in the dialog box that opens and then check the History area.  Recommended settings are to "Remember History" or "Use custom settings for history".  Enable "Remember my browsing history" for at least 1 day.  Another setting to check is within the Advanced tab and then within the Network tab.  Make sure that the Offline Storage is at least 50 MB in size.  Click on OK to close the dialog box and restart your browser to make sure the settings are applied.  If you continue to have problems you may want to clear the Offline Storage (Clear Now) or increase the Offline storage size.

This will solve the problems for most people.  If it doesn't, restart the computer to close any processes that haven't closed properly and try again.  Make sure that you choose the restart option in doing this.

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How do I gain access to the circuit boards inside my 620A controller?

Remove all power, then remove the primary rear terminal board (A2216 Rear Interconnect board). Before removing the eight screws I would suggest you secure the top and bottom enclosure panel by wrapping a strap of some sort around the enclosure, this will keep the enclosure together when you remove the screws.  Follow anti-static procedures when removing circuit boards and never set boards on a metal surface.

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